
主页 > 新闻 > recognize词性拓展_recognize词性变化


来源:莆田新城网作者:濯昊英更新时间:2024-10-14 21:56:09 阅读:


What is the word recognize?

The word recognize is a verb. It is derived from the Latin word "recognoscere," which means "to know again." When we recognize something or someone, we are able to identify or acknowledge them based on our previous knowledge or experiences. However, the word "recognize" can also be used in different forms and contexts, which we will explore further below.

What are the different forms of recognize?

The word "recognize" can undergo several changes in its form to adapt to different tenses and grammatical structures. Here are some of the common forms:

- Recognize (present tense)

- Recognized (past tense)

- Recognizing (present participle)

- Recognizes (third-person singular present)

- Recognizable (adjective form)

How is the word recognize used as a verb?

The verb "recognize" is often used to describe the act of identifying or acknowledging someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, such as:

- Recognizing a familiar face in a crowd

- Acknowledging someone"s achievements or accomplishments

- Identifying an object based on its characteristics or features

- Realizing and understanding the truth or significance of a situation

Can "recognize" be used as an adjective?

Yes, the word "recognize" can also be used as an adjective in its recognizable form. When used as an adjective, it describes something that can be identified or acknowledged due to its distinctive features or characteristics. For example:

- The logo of the company is easily recognizable.

- Her voice is quite recognizable, even in a crowded room.

- The famous landmark is a recognizable symbol of the city.

Is there a noun form of recognize?

While "recognize" is primarily used as a verb, it does not have a direct noun form. However, the noun "recognition" is derived from the verb "recognize." This noun refers to the act or process of identifying or acknowledging someone or something.

- The professor gave the student recognition for her outstanding research.

- The team received recognition for their contributions to the community.

- She was seeking recognition for her efforts in promoting environmental awareness.







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