
主页 > 新闻 > recommend有被动语态吗_recommend被动时态


来源:莆田新城网作者:濯昊英更新时间:2024-09-29 18:21:11 阅读:


Can "recommend" be used in passive voice?

Yes, the verb "recommend" can be used in the passive voice. When used in the passive voice, the focus of the sentence shifts from the person recommending something to the thing being recommended.

How is "recommend" used in the passive voice?

In the passive voice, the structure of a sentence with "recommend" is as follows: "Something is recommended (by someone) to someone (else)." The person or entity doing the recommending is mentioned using the preposition "by," and the recipient of the recommendation is introduced using the preposition "to."

Example sentences using "recommend" in the passive voice:

1. Summer dresses are recommended by fashion experts to stay cool in hot weather.
2. The new restaurant is highly recommended to food enthusiasts by local critics.
3. These books are often recommended to students by teachers.
4. Various travel destinations are recommended to tourists by travel agencies.

Why use the passive voice with "recommend"?

The passive voice with "recommend" can be used for several reasons:

- To shift the focus onto the thing being recommended rather than the person making the recommendation.
- To avoid mentioning the person or entity making the recommendation, especially if it is not important or known.
- To create a more formal or impersonal tone in writing or speaking.
- To emphasize the importance or value of the recommendation rather than its source.

When is it appropriate to use the passive voice with "recommend"?

The passive voice with "recommend" is appropriate in various situations, including:

- When discussing general recommendations or advice.
- When the person or entity making the recommendation is not important or known.
- When emphasizing the importance or value of the recommendation.
- When maintaining a neutral or formal tone in writing or speaking.


Yes, "recommend" can be used in the passive voice. This allows for a shift in focus onto the thing being recommended and can be used to create a more formal or impersonal tone. The passive voice with "recommend" is appropriate in various situations, depending on the desired emphasis and tone of the sentence or passage.





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