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refer to do还是doing_refer to doing sth

来源:莆田新城网作者:濯昊英更新时间:2024-09-24 17:28:07 阅读:


What is "refer to do" and "doing_refer to doing sth"?

When it comes to using the verb "refer" followed by another verb, there are two variations: "refer to do" and "doing_refer to doing sth." Both forms have similar meanings but are used in slightly different contexts. Let"s explore each one in detail:

What does "refer to do" mean?

The phrase "refer to do" is used when we want to suggest or mention something that someone should do. It implies giving advice or making a suggestion. For example:

"I referred to read a book on the subject."

Here, the speaker is advising someone to read a book as a way of gaining more knowledge on the subject. It shows a recommendation or a suggestion to take action.

What does "doing_refer to doing sth" mean?

"Doing_refer to doing sth" is used when we want to describe an ongoing or continuous action. It implies that the action is happening repeatedly or over a period of time. For example:

"He referred to doing yoga every morning."

Here, the speaker is talking about the habit or routine of doing yoga every morning. It suggests that this action is a regular occurrence and is done consistently.

When to use "refer to do" or "doing_refer to doing sth"?

The choice between "refer to do" and "doing_refer to doing sth" depends on the context and the intention behind the statement. If you want to suggest or advise someone to take a specific action, then "refer to do" is the appropriate choice. On the other hand, if you want to talk about an ongoing or continuous action, then "doing_refer to doing sth" is the better option.

Both forms can convey similar meanings, but the emphasis is slightly different. "Refer to do" focuses on the recommendation or suggestion to take action, while "doing_refer to doing sth" emphasizes the continuous or repeated nature of the action.


Understanding the difference between "refer to do" and "doing_refer to doing sth" can help you use the correct form in various situations. Whether you want to give advice or describe a recurring action, choosing the appropriate form will ensure clear communication. So, next time you find yourself using the verb "refer," consider the context and intention to decide which form suits your needs best.

标题:refer to do还是doing_refer to doing sth




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