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来源:莆田新城网作者:濯昊英更新时间:2024-09-21 18:14:09 阅读:


What are the synonyms for register?

Are you looking for alternative words that can be used instead of "register"? Here are some synonyms to consider:

Synonym 1: Record

Record is a synonym for register that can be used when referring to keeping a written or electronic account of information. It is often used in contexts such as record-keeping, record books, or record databases.

Synonym 2: Enroll

If you want to talk about the act of officially joining or signing up for something, "enroll" is a suitable synonym for register. It can be used when discussing enrollment in schools, courses, or membership in organizations.

Synonym 3: Catalog

When you want to describe the process of organizing or listing items systematically, "catalog" can be used as an alternative to register. It is commonly used in business or library settings to refer to a list of products or books, respectively.

Synonym 4: Log

If you are looking for a word that emphasizes the act of recording events or activities in a chronological manner, "log" can be used as a synonym for register. It is often used in contexts such as logbooks, ship logs, or computer logs.

Synonym 5: Check-in

When talking about the process of reporting one"s arrival or presence, especially in hotels or airports, "check-in" can be used as an alternative to register. It is commonly used in the hospitality industry when guests provide their personal information upon arrival.

Remember, using synonyms can help add variety and depth to your writing or conversation. So go ahead and try using these alternatives to "register" in your next piece of work!





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