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来源:莆田新城网作者:濯昊英更新时间:2024-03-24 14:46:27 阅读:

What is the Difference Between "Significant" and "Significantly"?

Have you ever wondered about the difference between the words "significant" and "significantly"? While they may seem similar, there are actually important distinctions between the two. Let"s explore these differences and uncover how these words can be used in different contexts.

What Does "Significant" Mean?

The word "significant" is an adjective that is used to describe something that is important, meaningful, or noteworthy. It implies a degree of importance or relevance. For example, if a scientific study produces significant results, it means that the findings are significant and have an impact on the field of research.

When Do We Use "Significantly"?

"Significantly" is an adverb that is derived from the adjective "significant." It is used to describe actions, changes, or events that have a significant or notable impact on something or someone. This word indicates a high degree of importance or influence. For instance, if a company"s profits increase significantly, it means that there has been a substantial increase in their earnings.

Can "Significantly" Be Used as an Adjective?

No, "significantly" cannot be used as an adjective. It is solely an adverb that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. If you want to use "significant" as an adjective, you would say something like, "He made a significant contribution to the project."

How Do We Use These Words in Sentences?

Here are some examples to help illustrate the correct usage of "significant" and "significantly" in sentences:

1. The new drug has shown significant improvements in patients" health. (significant - adjective)

2. The new drug has significantly improved patients" health. (significantly - adverb)

3. The team"s hard work made a significant impact on the final outcome. (significant - adjective)

4. The team"s hard work significantly impacted the final outcome. (significantly - adverb)


In summary, the difference between "significant" and "significantly" lies in their respective parts of speech. "Significant" is an adjective used to describe something important or notable, while "significantly" is an adverb used to describe actions or changes that have a significant impact. By understanding their distinctions, you can use these words accurately and effectively in your writing and conversation.





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